Air Freight vs Sea Freight

Air freight vs Sea Freight 

1. Overall Cost and Speed

A basic element to consider is the overall cost and speed of transportation, particularly if the product needs to get to market within a short time frame. The shelf-life of the product is critical in decision making between transportation methods, for example long-lasting products such as generic drugs which have a long shelf life, versus products such as oncology treatment drugs which need to be shipped to their destination within 24 to 48 hours.

2. Value of the cargo

The cost of replacing the products if the shipment is damaged is a key consideration when choosing a method of transportation. Low value products are less able to absorb the value of the freight if there is an issue with the shipment, and therefore prioritising reliability over efficiency in transportation would be preferable in this instance.

3. Temperature deviations

During the risk assessment, consider the stability of a product at certain temperatures and how a product will act in various circumstances, this can include the impact of a possible temperature deviations during the shipments. Ensure that you take into account how the product will behave if it suffers a temperature deviation. Due to regulatory constraints some products cannot be distributed into the market if they suffer a temperature excursion for as little as an hour.

4. Risk of delays

Some argue that the biggest consideration when choosing transport for pharmaceutical logistics is the risk to the end-user if there is a delay or problem with the shipment. If the product may become harmful to patients if delayed slightly then choosing a more speed-reliable form of transport is necessary.